Dinesh Kumar Khara, chairman of the country's largest public sector bank - State Bank of India, recently told that SBI has deposited and exchanged Rs 17,000 crore in 2000 notes in just 8 days. According to Dinesh Kumar Khara, in just 8 days, Rs 14,000 crore was deposited in SBI branches across the country in Rs 2,000 notes, and Rs 3,000 crore notes were exchanged. Apart from the State Bank of India, no other bank has released such figures. Let us tell that RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das had said that by September 30, most of the 2000 rupee notes will be returned.
Rs 2000 notes to remain legal tender even after September 30
Let us inform you that after the demonetization in the year 2016, the Reserve Bank of India issued new notes of 2000 rupees. At that time, the government had banned the old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes. Out of all the Rs 2000 notes printed by the RBI, 89 percent of the notes were printed till March 2017. RBI said that the withdrawal of Rs 2000 notes will not cause any problem with cash flow in the market as there are enough Rs 500 notes in circulation. Not only this, but Shaktikanta Das had also said that even after September 30, the Rs 2000 note will remain legal tender.